Artist turned History ‘Geek’ & Genealogist.

Gemma Higgins-Dewar

Genealogist | Artist | Storyteller

Out of the Woods is my Artist business name. This name was chosen to incorporate my different artist practices – Photography, yarn dying, floristry and writing to exist under one umbrella. The name also reflects our move to the country town of Kilmore, but also emerging from a sense of darkness, the fog of injury and illness. This website, however, is now also incorporating about my photography business, as I dare say, slowly retire!

This website and blog is also a place for all things creative, historic, and well, and well anything ‘odd and random”. I once had a blog (sadly gone now) called Only in Wonderland, so this site can be both!

I hope to share more here of daily life, study, creative things, maybe a photo of a pretty plant or two which I commonly find myself staring at when my mind drifts off!